Sunday, August 26, 2012

Stage Fright...

It is NO secret that I love Jazzercise. I first started Jazzing when I was a sophomore in college.  I've gone off and on throughout the last 12 years - stopping for a knee or shoulder surgery, a car accident or know, just taking a break.  LOL

Well often when you open your big mouth and request a certain song the instructor will ask you to come up on stage and do the routine with her.  Its just one of those Jazzertraditions.  This morning I decided to text Beth and ask her if "Womanizer" was going to make an appearance in her set today.  AMAZINGLY ENOUGH - it was there, on the front of the curve just waiting for me to show a little crazy!  :)  **disclaimer: I am not a Britney Spears fan, but I LOVE this song and the routine that goes along with it!  In true Jazzerstyle, Beth cues up the song and without even looking at me says "we have a special request for some old school Britney and the requester is going to come up on stage with me RIGHT???"  Of course she knew I would politely decline and smile, like I have for the last ...uhm decade.  Well much to my surprise the entire class starts hooting and hollering - and I crumbled to peer pressure!

Yep thats my cute little black yoga pants and **sparkley** purple jazzertog top, I took the stage for the first time EVER!  EvEr EvEr!!  I think Beth was more surprised than I was.  She even commented after class that she was so excited and happy I joined her.

I love my jazzersisters - and all the cute comments on my Facebook wall.  You girls are the best!!