Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blizzards and Old Men Don't Care About Deadlines

In keeping with the insurance company's rental car reservation, I needed my Scion to be street ready by 6pm on Thursday. In an attempt at being timely (read person not wanting to piss off the claims contact right off the bat since medical bills hadn't even been brought up yet) on Monday I reminded the old man that my rental needed to be back by Thursday. The old mans reply: "don't be rushing me...this is more important than the Mona Lisa...Thursday at 6:00pm means nothing to me."  I learned later that remark translated into "rushing anything for the princess just means more work down the road fixing things and making them just right."

I told the old man he could just be my personal chauffeur until the pet mobile was ready - he said he was certain there was a rule to "have people for that". 

Thanks to a blizzard I was on the phone to the insurance company at 8am on Thursday asking (read begging in the nicest voice I could come up with while explaining that we had over a foot of snow and blah blah blah) for my rental car to be extended for another day.

Score: Princess 0, Blizzard 1, Old Man 2  **shakes pom-poms** at least the old man doesn't have 3 points!

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