Thursday, March 10, 2011

You Start It, You Finish It!!

Thank you for calling me pissed off and leaving a mean message.  Thank you for also texting me "Call Me Right Now!" while I was in a meeting, yes I went ahead and called you because, I thought it was something life threatening or of dyer importance.

Now that you have me on the phone, don't scream at me about something you have no knowledge, no part in and no business yelling at me about.

Now that I've hung up the phone after being more than polite to you because I was in public and with a business associate - don't spent the rest of the night and the subsequent day texting me ALL DAY LONG about the same subject.  Again - you don't know the story, you weren't there, you had NOTHING to do with the situation and you have no solutions.

Now that you have spent 36 hours texting me - berating me, yelling at me, telling me how horrible of a person I am and offering up solutions which have proven to be useless and not feasible (which I told you before even wasting the time to look into them) we are in the SAME EXACT place we were when you initially called me.

Oh but now, all of the sudden you have work to do so you wish to call a "truce" until 8am.  Oh so you can begin telling me how awful I am, how Im not doing all that I can do, maybe offering me more useless solutions, taking me away from clients??  GREAT IDEA!!

Have you lost your @#$^&%* mind?  No No pulled me out of a meeting, you ruined my entire day and you wasted my time.  Just because the timing has become inconvenient for you doesn't mean we can just pick it up in the morning when its better for you.

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