Saturday, June 11, 2011

Enter and Win!

A friend of mine works for a local TV station in town, and while he knows my FIRM beliefs on advertising and following a structured plan for business, he thought a cutest pet contest would be a great way to get my name out and create brand awareness.  I was scared to death that my phones would blow up like the welfare hotline, much like they did after my half-price deal of the day.  Thankfully, they have not.  Since the contest runs for a month it has created a steady stream of calls and emails, not to mention amazing web traffic to my site.  

I have been focusing my marketing on "brand awareness" and "consumer education" as opposed to just offering a deal and trying to get new clients.  I would rather have a stead stream of people with peaked interest than those who are just looking for the best deal in town.  You see...we offer THE BEST service a cost effective rate.  Not to mention we keep your pets safe and happy at home instead of locked up in a kennel for a week while you're out of town.  

All in all, I'm blessed beyond words with how the business is going!  Thank you to my sitters, clients and most of all the advertisers that are helping make this business a household name!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Don't Look At Me With Those Puppy Dog Eyes....

No really...those puppy dog eyes will NOT save your little butt, no matter how small or cute, when you've left your toy laying on the keyboard of my laptop.  ^^shrugs^^

A couple weeks ago...WOW really, two weeks ago a friend of mine found a pit bull in his neighborhood.  He kept the pit for a few nights while I worked on a solution for the poor guy.  He was dirty, tired, half starved and had the cut ears of a trained fighter.  Thankfully he was no worse for wear and in good temper, so Mary agreed to pull him for rescue!  

**shakes pom-poms**

We loaded up pretty pitty and headed to the Republic Animal Control to drop off the pit for Mary to take into rescue and find a forever home that suited him well.  The 20 minute car ride was uneventful and he really was a doll.  He was very sweet, easy to crate and all in all just happy to be alive.

Upon arriving at animal control, for whatever reason, Client decided to roam around and look at all the puppies while Sherry and I worked on logistics and intake forms.  **BAD IDEA** Ok well not so much...he comes out of one of the dog runs with this "super cute and cuddly" little black male weiner dog.  He has me hold the dog while he texts a picture to his fiance.  **BAD IDEA**  Puppy is in the car with us headed back to Springfield.  (read 'what the hell, this is going to end REALLY BAD and not only am I going to have to take this poor sweet puppy BACK to animal control in the morning, but Im going to have a client SUPER pissed at me and the other one sleeping on my couch for letting him bring the damn dog home in the first place).  I kicked him and puppy out of the car, almost without even stopping in the driveway in an attempt to make a getaway BEFORE fiance can come home.  Uhhuh...I drove far, far away like a big chicken!!

Next morning, I get a call "well we aren't in huge trouble, but there has to be some negotiating done here"
I reply "there is no WE and I don't negotiate with terrorists or fiances.  SORRY and I proceeded to laugh uncontrollably while listening for the demands of the fiance, not a terrorist!" 
Client: Well she said we could get another dog for Dougie to play with, but it has to be potty trained and house broken.
Me: Well potty training is easy when you do crate training at the same time. Its super easy, I'll walk you through it.

blah...blah..blah (read 20 minutes of smooth talking)

Me: Okay Ill come by the office and pick him up, he can live with me for a couple weeks while I potty train him and house break him.  Ill use him for my BNI presentation and then you can take him home to the fiance and VIOLAH we saved two lives at once!

WTF How did that happen??

Baby has gone to Relay For Life, SAAF House board meeting, Relay Wrap Up meeting, been neutered, been wormed, gone on a million car rides and somehow become a normal part of my daily routine.  OH and ps, not only is he potty trained and crate trained...but he can "sit".  **no frogs were harmed while that picture was taken.**
Wooo I rule!!

Now that brings me to my point...don't look at me with those big puppy dog eyes...they may have worked on Client to get him to bring you home from the pound.  They may have worked on fiance to get her to let client adopt you.  But they will get you out of trouble for sending messages to friends on facebook when you've gone and left your toy on the keyboard.  **ahem**

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Why Jazzercise?  You mean other than the fitness aspect??  Because its a good time...more than the rockstar fun workout, the friendship are amazing and life long.  Since I was a student at SMS I have Jazzed on and off...I'm now 30.  The women there are their own sisterhood - we do things together and share the jazzerspirit.  We laugh, cry, shed pounds, go through relationships, have babies, get married, get divorced, lose loved ones, gain pounds, break ankles, get in car accidents...all together.

Last night was the first Springfield Jazzercise flash mob.  We sort of took over the Hollywood Theatre steps and made a little scene...but the crowd loved it and we had a blast!!  It was a great opportunity for us to not only share the jazzerlove, but spread awareness for the center.  Its FUN marketing.  Ps...everything is jazzer-something.  Jazzerbooty, jazzerlove, know, its a jazzerthing.  :)  Hell we even have jazzertogs clothing!

Shake, shake, shake...**shakes jazzer pom-poms**